Product Bulletin 127 - MySchoolSask Attendance Exports for SK sites

Nov 21st, 2022

Issue Overview

Some Edsby sites in Saskatchewan using Edsby's Aspen SIS-based MySchoolSask (MSS) Attendance Export have experienced errors translating attendance codes being imported into MSS. Additionally, those sites trying to export large data sets have been experiencing export failures.

Issue Response

The issue in translating codes being exported from Edsby has already been resolved. The incorrect codes were determined to be the result of planned absences which run the entirety of one class, but end midway through another. This now correctly results in a planned absence for one class, and an excused late for the next, however in the export, this was appearing as both an absence and late.

The issue with exporting large data sets is expected to be resolved with a production update this evening, Monday, November 21, 2022. Sites who have previously requested or needed high water mark resets due to changes in their attendance codes may have seen these exports fail if the data sets were large.

Issue Closure

The code translation error was identified and a fix was tested and released into production Friday, November 18, 2022. 
Following tonight's update, a high water mark reset will be performed by Edsby to set attendance updates back to September 1, 2022. Edsby will ensure all district exports are corrected in the next 24 hours.

Issue Scope

This issue only affects Edsby sites in Saskatchewan that use Edsby's MSS Attendance Export for provincial attendance reporting.


Edsby understands these issues together have caused delays in the ability of some Saskatchewan customers to meet provincial reporting requirements and we sincerely apologize for the time required to diagnose and resolve the errors.