Release Notes, June 3, 2024

A new software release is now available in the Edsby Sandbox. It is expected that this release will be going into production across all customer sites in the June 17 to June 24 timeframe.

New features in this release

Report Cards Zoom enhancement

The Sheet View page includes a new option to bulk update attendance counts on report cards sheets in bulk. Submitted, Returned for Correct, Approved, or Published state for each sheet is retained when the attendance is updated.

June update attendance 1a

To update attendance counts, navigate to the Report Cards Zoom’s Sheet view.

  1. Click the gear icon. The Update Attendance button will now be visible.

  2. Check the box beside Sheet Name to select all sheets.

  3. Click Update Attendance.

  4. Enter a comment to be included in the report card sheets history.

  5. Click Modify Sheets.

The report card sheet will include an entry in the submission history. 

june report card history

If the input template allows teachers to manually enter attendance counts, the Update Attendance button will not make changes to these specific sheets.

Roles with report card administration rights (District IT Admin, District Admin, District Tech Support, Senior Admin, and Office Head) have access to this option.

District IT Admin Notes

Enhancements for departing students

At the end of the school year, many students leave their current school to move on to high school or post-secondary education. Consequently, the sync packages will no longer include the departing students, instructing Edsby to drop them from their current school and disable their accounts. While these actions are necessary on the SIS side, the abruptness of the process means students can’t access Edsby the day after the term ends. Customers have requested that students retain their Edsby accounts for a limited time to access report cards and other important information.

With this release, customers can take control how long departing students retain access to their Edsby accounts. The default time is set to 14 days.

The Term Linger time can be changed through the EdsbyLink Configuration page. This setting also controls the number of days recently completed classes remain visible on the home screen. The new setting will apply at the next sync.

june manage linger

On mobile devices, classes that have been completed within the Term linger setting time frame can be viewed in the Recent tab under Classes. On a desktop browser, recent classes are displayed on the home screen.

June linger student

Training implications and resources

The Edsby Release Reviews for 2023-24 videos can be found here.

Permission and roles changes

None in this release.

Quality improvements in this release

Evidence: Line breaks appear in the Learning Story.

Gradebook: All entered grades appear on print out.

Learning Story: Teacher can delete evidence from Learning Story.

Panorama: On mobile, any contact number listed can be tapped to initiate a call.

Report card sheets: Find/Replace’s erroneous confirmation dialog issue has been resolved.

View Messages: Issue with District IT Admin role not being able to unlock conversations has been resolved.