Release Notes, November 10, 2023

A new software release is now available in the Edsby Sandbox. It is expected that this release will be going into production across all customer sites in the November 11 to November 16 timeframe.

New features in this release

Filtering added to the Classes panel

For teachers and students managing multiple classes, an option to temporarily filter the class list has been added. Click the search icon to reveal a search box. Enter any visible text from the Classes panel, such as class names, short names, number of students in the class, or the teacher's name, to refine the list of classes.

October class filter-png

Improvements to parent invitations

Previously, when parents attempted to use a registration ticket that had expired, been cancelled, or already used, they received a numbered error message. In this release, we have replaced the error message with the following text:

Access Denied: The registration ticket for this invitation link has expired, been cancelled by the school or was already used. If you already registered, use the login link from the welcome message to log in.

Our investigations indicated that automated systems connected to email systems have been issuing requests that automatically trigger the decline of the invitation. We’ve added an intermediary step to prevent these automatic declines. When a parent clicks the decline link, the parent is now presented with a screen that gives them the option to decline or cancel to return to the invitation email.

Group roster export

A group’s roster can be exported by opening the member list and clicking Export. A CSV file is downloaded that contains the first and last names of the group members.

Training implications and resources

None in this release. 

Permission and roles changes

The Senior Admin role can no longer make changes to the District page’s Key Contact panel or create events on the District calendar.

Quality improvements in this release

Attendance: Extra sheets can be modified.

Attendance: Parent notifications generated from Incident tab no longer receive a 1030 error.

Attendance: Date picker improvement when switching between Away Today and Sign Out.

Class: Formatting improvement to the cross-posting list.

Content: PDFs are visible as soon as they are copied from a Learning Object Repository.

Evidence: Resolved issue with date collected.

File viewer: Preview restored by file uploads.

Lesson plans: Issue with adding links to the Student Notes has been resolved.

Library: Text and replies associated with files are visible again.

LTI: Teachers can open LTI forms created in their personal folders.

Organization Panel: The district name is now at the top of the list, followed by the schools in alphabetical order.

Report card comments: Resolved issue of adding new comment from a report card sheet to the comment library.

Reporting Periods: Resolved “server limit exceeded” error when adding classes.

Reporting Periods: Issue with exporting the previously selected template has been resolved.